Jinx is working on:
Duration with shame. We finally got it!! Yay!! Now to add a little more duration.
Sit up and hold an item(just started this and she does grab the toy, but then falls over

Stand up(stand up on hind legs) She still tries to balance herself on my arm.
Back up. She does a few steps and then stops, so that needs work.
Tic tac: put paw on the knee I hold up.
At ease and relax: crossing front paws to the left or to the right.
And we started limp, but I don't know if I will continue this right now.
Jumping stand: jump into stand from a sitting position. She finds this very hard. She will jump up, but somehow lands on her butt instead of her four legs
Cooper is working on:
Shame: he still is figuring out how to tuck his nose under his paw

Sooo funny to watch
I made a vid of it, but it turned out too dark, so we have to do it again.
Tictac: he is slow in responding, but he knows it
At ease and relax: putting it to a visual cue, me crossing my legs at the ankles
Jumping stand: he knows this with my handtarget, so I am putting it to a cue and fading my hand.