Don't suppose I've ever had anything like that happen, lol. Unless trying to steal from Petsmart counts...
One time when I took Zeke to Petsmart as a pup(I think he was three or four months old at the time), he snatched up a giant stuffed squeaking moose that was three times his size and wanted to carry it through the store. He likes things that he can snuggle with, and he just grabbed this big cuddly moose and started carrying it. Lol. It was hilarious, and he was so discouraged that I didn't get it for him. (One of these days I'll go back and get it, lol. ^^) Poor guy.
Ah, wait! I remember one! Lol. We used to have a Bichon Frise named Corky. We had a glass bowl sitting on a table in the living room with assorted candies in it. We didn't worry about it because he never bothered anything he wasn't supposed to. We came home one day to find the lid in the floor, broken, and candie scattered all over the living room. Corky had random candies stuck all over his face, and he looked at us like, "What? It wasn't me, I didn't do it."
Another time Corky's sweet tooth was stronger than his manners was one Christmas. My dad loves chocolate covered cherries, and every Christmas we get him some. A day or so before Christmas, we got some, wrapped them, and put them at the very BACK of the Christmas tree. All of the other presents surrounded it, and we assumed Corky would leave it be....not exactly. We came home and ALL the presents were moved out of the way, the box of chocolate covered cherries pulled out and ripped open. Corky was sick for a couple weeks.
Needless to say, we never left food within reach ever again.