Welcome to the Academy!

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New Member

We are new here I was told about this site. So we came over to see what all the barking was about! I have three dogs Maggie that I do herding of sheep goats and cows. SHe is a rescue. Then there is Lucille who is an agility dog who is very fast, she is also a border collie and a rescue from south Louisanna. I also have a brittany Star that does several tricks, she preforms at lots of schools , fairs, and was on that silly tv show last summer. Me- I am an old fat bald man that quit fishing to play with dogs. I own a small business so I can take my dogs with me.

bill / star/ maggie/ lucille


Honored Member
Staff member
BILL hi!!! I really liked y'all but was incredibly disappointed with the show...I quit watching after only an episode or two. I thought it was ridiculous personally... You and Star have a wonderful connection. :) There are many BC owners here, including myself. Mine's a rescue as well. Not sure if we have any Brittany's around here.

You would probably really enjoy the monthly challenges. Right now we only have one this month, but we used to have 3--beginner, intermediate, advanced. We are only recently getting interest in them again so we're going to give it another go. This month's is cross paws. If you need ideas, check out our past challenges. You would also like Silvia Trkman, who is a trick database and a world-champ agility competitor. She has many fans here!

Welcome to the Academy, and very happy to have you! :) Enjoy the site.


New Member
If you want to know what I think about the show you need to email me personally. I can not say much since I am still under contract till 9-1-09 I did not get to show off the many tricks that Star does or the positive way that I teach my dogs and other folks dogs.
I have seen some of Sylvia's tricks and have always been wow-ed.
A friend of mine said I should come over and read and enjoy


New Member
Hello, I am the owner of Rollo a chocolate mini labradoodle.

He is now a little over 6 months old and has done really well without using a clicker on general basic stuff - falling dead when shot, paw, high five, twist and turn, beg, heel, wait, down and wait, etc. He is just starting to be a bit adolescent and so I am looking for things that will overcome some "wilfulness" and new tricks to give him something else to concentrate on and get praise for.

I saw this site mentioned on a labradoodle forum as being terrific and loads of help, so here I am!


New Member
Hi everyone,
My wife and I are proud owners of a 3 month old 3/4rotty 1/4 lab puppy. So far she has been amazing and it learning sooooo quickly...She does like to chew on fingers and barks playfully every once and a while but other than that she has been an angel. I look forward to talking to everyone on the forum and taking advantage of all the knowledge available.
Rich & Lisa


New Member
Hello :)

Hello everybody. I am new to the site and new in being a dog owner. I recently rescued a 1 year old female American Pit Bull from the Los Angeles Harbor Animal Shelter. My wife and I had been thinking of getting a dog and now was just the right time. I have never owned a dog before and I must say it is a rewarding experience in rescuing a life. My dog's name is Peanut. She is a very intelligent and friendly dog. Most people are scared of Pits, but that's because they were given a bad rap. I fell in love with my dog the moment I seen her. As I said, she's very intelligent and is picking up tricks pretty well. She quickly learned how to sit and stay. I would like to learn more tricks and get more involved in training. I guess thats why I'm here :). I must say that adopting Peanut was one of the best things I have ever done!! I hope to share a lot of experiences with many of you. Please feel free to PM me at anytime.

Rico and Peanut


New Member
Hi Rico,

A beautiful dog you have there, I can see why it was love at first sight. Welcome and I hope to see more of you and Peanut as the days go on.


Well-Known Member
Hello to All!
just a quick introduction-I am Susan Ling from eastern Canada-bred Shelties for 30 years and Cavaliers for the last 10-only Cavaliers now. I teach Obedience and Rally-O but have always loved trick training and free style Dance. Signed up for a workshop next Sat. on Free style dance with my male Cavalier-Oscar. Looking forward to meeting ya'll and learning lots o'tricks of the trade.-Pawsitively Susan and Oscar the Cavalier


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New Here Too!

Hi! My name is Kate. My three-year-old Yorkie and I hail from middle Tennessee. I'm very excited about discovering this website. Brutus is very smart and has learned the basics (quickly, I may add :msngiggle:) So hi! Feel free to message me, especially if you're a Yorkie owner!

Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi Kate! Welcome to the dog trick academy! :dogsmile: Good luck with your training! Yorkies are an interesting breed. ;)


Honored Member
Staff member
My, Peanut is gorgeous. I must say if you've never owned a dog before and you have a Pitty, do check into the classroom. Pits are a very sensitive breed and it would do both of you good to learn a thing or two. :) Check out Bellapup's earliest blogs--she was a first-time dog owner as well who blogged her puppy's progress and the problems she encountered. They'd probably be very helpful to you. :) Pits are wonderful dogs to work and live with. Very sweet dogs.

Kate and Susan, welcome! You would both probably really enjoy the challenges. There are a few other freestyle competitors/lovers around the site.

Welcome to all of you and enjoy the site!!


New Member
Yes that what I hear CollieMan I believe your right leave it to the French to make some thing good and then mess it up. I am French living in France but I'm mostly AMERICAN my father is American.
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