Nice video, I love competitive obedience too, thanks for posting that video Collie Man! (people think I'm boring because at dog shows I often forgo watching agility to go watch the competitive obedience, glad I'm not the only one!

) the dog seemed just a little bit negatively stressed at times, but schutzhund is a demanding sport on both dog and handler and I really admire those who are dedicated to it. In schutzhund the commands have to be given in german.
You might enjoy this video too Collie Man, I'm a big fan of this schutzhund and AKC obedience trainer, I learned about her after an acquantance of mine had been to this lady's seminars. this dog is a SchH3 but in this video they are doing AKC-style obedience, hence the handler has left hand on her waist . She is a clicker trainer too by the way (which is still quite rare in competitive obedience circles here) nevertheless she is an expert trainer. I've heard her dogs are so highly trained that they know to heel two inches further in front during Sch obedience versus AKC obedience, and they take their cues from her hand position!! wow!