Tigerlily, I wouldn't feed raw pork as it can cause Aujeszky disease. Lethal to dogs. It is no problem to give it cooked.
Going completely raw(BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food)) is very hard, because you have to make sure your dog gets all the nutricion he needs.
Just giving raw beef is not enough. You would have to feed organs, give a varied diet of different kinds of meat, like chicken, beef, deer etc.(including the bones)
If you can, search for a whole raw dogfood. Over here that is frozen ground meat, wich has everything a dog needs.
Like this:
But be carefull to check the ingredients, because they can contain grains to keep the costs low.
Personaly I wouldn't go completely raw(BARF), as it would involve giving carcasses(bones) and organs YUK

I do buy the whole raw dogfoods for my dogs, I try to have at least one meat day in a week. They looovvvee it

Or just give them chickenbreast, or ground beef or tripe(ever smelled that?

The rest of the week they get their kibble.
And I would like to do this everyday, but it is way too expensive for me.
I guess if I only had one dog, I would, but I just can't afford it with two dogs.
I have been told that feeding BARF is less expensive than kibble, but besides the fact that I could not stand the sight of my dogs eating a chickencarcass or a rabbits leg, there is the storage factor. I don't have the room to put up another freezer to store all this in.