Hmmm, i love this idea, and until the real Lickety STick comes out with their peanutbutter flavor, i think i will try to do this like Tamara has done.
i think i might leave out
milk altogether from a homemade recipe.......but, so long as you don't keep milk in there too long and wash it all out very well, is probably no harm at all!
It's kind of hard to find a brand of roll-on deodorant that has a removable top like Tamara used....
The real LicketySTick top is not removable, so far as i can tell.
i bet the water drained from tuna works great though!! Or a broth....or the liver broth i have leftover whenever i make homemade treats, "Liver Cookies"--------- Buddy LOVES that liquid broth leftover from when i boil up the liver.
It actually isn't super easy to think up
liquids dogs go crazy for, is it?