Training The Perfect Nanny Dog!!

Adrianna & Calvin

Experienced Member
Ha I love how she has to woof when you sneeze. Does she do that when anyone sneezes now?

I tried teaching this to my late dog, and he was a little Too Excited about pulling tissues out of the box so I swiftly abandoned the plan. During your first step, I saw Veronica light up when she pulled out a whole clump, but then she got herself under control :)


Honored Member
LOVE this trick!!!!!!:love::love: Sooo useful... Especially during a good rom-com, LOL.:D I was inspired by your video and started teaching it to Shivon.:) This could be our trick challenge!!!:D

And, OMD I love how she says "bless you" before getting you the tissue. Perfect pitbull etiquette, LOL.;)


Honored Member
//Veronica is a very vocal girl:giggle://

Yes Southerngirl...that's a very polite way of saying she has a big mouth! :p

//Ha I love how she has to woof when you sneeze. Does she do that when anyone sneezes now? //

We have yet to have any actual real sneezes since Veronica learned her trick...I'm kind of curious as to what she will do!!


Honored Member
ACHOOO!!!!!!!! I need Veronia:D Great trick, love the way she says 'bless you':love: She's got some attitude too, adorable.:love:

Will add to my list of tricks, don't hold out too much hope though, Ra Kismet would more than likely eat the tissues before he got one to me.