:msngrin:Hi, my name is Jenni and I live in Australia. Its our winter here and its a cold and miserable day. I shouldnt complain because we badly need the rain!
I have 6 dogs. Zac is a 3yo Australian Kelpie who loves flyball. Candie is a 3 yo Kelpie x bordercollie. Unfortunately Candie has HD so she cant do flyball but we do tracking. Sally and Molley are 2yo border collies and Wizzykool Kelpie is almost 1 yo kelpie x Koolie. Last and smallest but certainly not least is Wiggles, a 1 yo Tenterfield Terrier with attitude. All of my dogs are rescue dogs except for sally. They keep me busy but I cant imagine life without them.
I have 6 dogs. Zac is a 3yo Australian Kelpie who loves flyball. Candie is a 3 yo Kelpie x bordercollie. Unfortunately Candie has HD so she cant do flyball but we do tracking. Sally and Molley are 2yo border collies and Wizzykool Kelpie is almost 1 yo kelpie x Koolie. Last and smallest but certainly not least is Wiggles, a 1 yo Tenterfield Terrier with attitude. All of my dogs are rescue dogs except for sally. They keep me busy but I cant imagine life without them.