Honored Member
This isn't much of a trick, really, but, Buddy can find and retrieve almost 20 toys by name, even if the named toy is in another room, or even if it is outdoors, he'll run to the door and paw at door to go outside to get the named toy!!!
One of his favorite games is,
i take 3 or 4 of his known toys,
line them up on the back of the sofa,
or out in the yard,
and buddy sits facing me, (also challenging for Buddy to sit patiently while i line up the toys)
til i point to sofa and say,
"Get the froggy!"
"Get Ernie"
or whichever toy i ask for. I do use a clicker for this part.
this 'trick' or game,
is soooooooooo easy to train, BUT,
i have found,
to teach Buddy a toy's name------------------
i must name it as the NEW toy is first introduced.
If i tell Buddy what the toy is named, as he first meets the new toy,
from that very first moment he first ever sniffs the NEW toy---------
Buddy will learn that NEW toy name IMMEDIATELY with no effort.
I re-inforce the toy name several times a day, for many days, but, Buddy has "got it" right off, from 1st moment on. I say "give me Ducky" and as i tug the toy with him, "that is my Ducky!"
"Oh look, Buddy has his Ducky!" over and over, for several days. Super easy, he hears "Ducky" all day long, whenever he plays with Ducky. I don't even use a clicker to help him learn the toy name, he seems to learn the NEW toy name INSTANTLY, IF IF IF IF he hears the name right away when he FIRST meets the new toy.
BUT, if i take a toy he ALREADY owns, and try to assign a name to THAT older toy--it is very difficult, and wayyyyyyyy harder for Buddy to learn that.
This is hard for Buddy to retain in long term memory,( a new name assigned to an OLD toy.)
SO DO TRY ASSIGNING A NAME TO YOUR DOG'S NEXT NEW TOY, and re-inforcing that toy name over and over and over and see if your dog can't also learn NEW toy names!!!
One of his favorite games is,

i take 3 or 4 of his known toys,
line them up on the back of the sofa,
or out in the yard,
and buddy sits facing me, (also challenging for Buddy to sit patiently while i line up the toys)
til i point to sofa and say,
"Get the froggy!"
"Get Ernie"
or whichever toy i ask for. I do use a clicker for this part.
this 'trick' or game,
is soooooooooo easy to train, BUT,
i have found,
to teach Buddy a toy's name------------------
i must name it as the NEW toy is first introduced.
If i tell Buddy what the toy is named, as he first meets the new toy,
from that very first moment he first ever sniffs the NEW toy---------
Buddy will learn that NEW toy name IMMEDIATELY with no effort.
I re-inforce the toy name several times a day, for many days, but, Buddy has "got it" right off, from 1st moment on. I say "give me Ducky" and as i tug the toy with him, "that is my Ducky!"
"Oh look, Buddy has his Ducky!" over and over, for several days. Super easy, he hears "Ducky" all day long, whenever he plays with Ducky. I don't even use a clicker to help him learn the toy name, he seems to learn the NEW toy name INSTANTLY, IF IF IF IF he hears the name right away when he FIRST meets the new toy.
BUT, if i take a toy he ALREADY owns, and try to assign a name to THAT older toy--it is very difficult, and wayyyyyyyy harder for Buddy to learn that.

SO DO TRY ASSIGNING A NAME TO YOUR DOG'S NEXT NEW TOY, and re-inforcing that toy name over and over and over and see if your dog can't also learn NEW toy names!!!