New Member
Hiya everyone!!!
My name is Brandy and I have a 4 1/2 month old Border Collie. He is my beautiful smart boy!! I got him when he was 12 weeks and he is just so smart. I had a BC/Sheltie mix when I was younger and I also had some pure BC as a kid that I trained. So, I have been training dogs since I was about 8 yrs old, and this pup is just amazing!!
So far he knows, sit, down, come, his name, paw (shake), High 5, find it, leave it, most of the time walks with loose lead (when he's in a new area and excited, he pulls ), roll over, speak, crawl, stay (from short distance), touch, which hand (he puts his paw on the hand with the treat in it), he knows the word catch and attempts to catch his toys and treats but hasn't got that down quite yet, we are working on getting him NOT to run out the doors when opened, and he is doing rather well unless one of the smaller kids stands in the doorway too long with the door open, then he will be too tempted and off he goes. I think that's everything he knows at this time. I need to work with him on heel and doing off leash work with distractions.

So far he knows, sit, down, come, his name, paw (shake), High 5, find it, leave it, most of the time walks with loose lead (when he's in a new area and excited, he pulls ), roll over, speak, crawl, stay (from short distance), touch, which hand (he puts his paw on the hand with the treat in it), he knows the word catch and attempts to catch his toys and treats but hasn't got that down quite yet, we are working on getting him NOT to run out the doors when opened, and he is doing rather well unless one of the smaller kids stands in the doorway too long with the door open, then he will be too tempted and off he goes. I think that's everything he knows at this time. I need to work with him on heel and doing off leash work with distractions.