Fun Question

How many clickers do you have?

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Experienced Member
I was trying to figure out how many clickers I could come up with if I looked in every bag, etc.... The answer - I don't know. I kinda' collect them and have them here and there.

How many clickers do you have in your house?

What kind of clickers do you like? I like the iclick style.


Staff member
I have no idea! I know I have a few box clickers floating around, and there should be a couple of bug clickers hiding somewhere... but I know I have 3 iclicks!


Honored Member
i have 4, but, they are identical to each other. Each of my clickers are attached to coil-bracelet keychains, so i can wear them on my wrist when training.

and i so agree 100% with Sara, who was one of the ppl who helped talk me into trying a clicker, years ago, and oh wow, yes, she was right, a "click" really helps mark a correct behavior to a dog much faster that a "good boy" does. Plus, one can be so so so much more precise with a click, than i can be with "good boy" or "yes".
My dog also hears "good boy" several times a day fairly randomly, it's less powerful to my dog.

Clicker training is also how they train the killer whales at SeaWorld, and most circus animals, too. If you haven't tried one, do at least try one, you might be surprised like i was, at how much faster a dog "gets it" when you use a clicker.
The very sight of the clicker, makes my dog "come alive" and "put on his thinking cap". He gets very very very tail-waggy if i take the clicker out of the drawer.


Experienced Member
i have 4, but, they are identical to each other. Each of my clickers are attached to coil-bracelet keychains, so i can wear them on my wrist when training.

and i so agree 100% with Sara, who was one of the ppl who helped talk me into trying a clicker, years ago, and oh wow, yes, she was right, a "click" really helps mark a correct behavior to a dog much faster that a "good boy" does. Plus, one can be so so so much more precise with a click, than i can be with "good boy" or "yes".
My dog also hears "good boy" several times a day fairly randomly, it's less powerful to my dog.

Clicker training is also how they train the killer whales at SeaWorld, and most circus animals, too. If you haven't tried one, do at least try one, you might be surprised like i was, at how much faster a dog "gets it" when you use a clicker.
The very sight of the clicker, makes my dog "come alive" and "put on his thinking cap". He gets very very very tail-waggy if i take the clicker out of the drawer.
Yes, Sundog and Barney know what the clicker means too. They love the clicker.

I find I am not as consistent with a verbal marker as a clicker is. Sometimes I change the words or tone or something. My timing already stinks, so I need all the help I can get, lol. A clicker is much more consistent. I do use a verbal marker or a tongue click when I don't have a clicker handy.

When I tell kids about clicker training, I like to tell them that SeaWorld uses clicker training to train the animals. They really get a kick out of that. It really helps them relate to clicker training. All kids love SeaWorld.

Some of my clickers have the coil bracelets.


Honored Member
I have two,
I bought one of them and was given the other by the agility club when Holly started agility


Experienced Member
Mine makes a quieter noise and its easier to press while Dogsters makes a lowder noise (we are friends thats how I know)


Well-Known Member
I technically have 2, (well 3 if you count the one I never ever use because I hate the way it clicks). 1 is the one I have with me at all times, its my lifeline. The other is my ClickStick which is one of my favorite training tools.

Also, I am a clicker convert. For the longest time when I started training, I thought they were a useless training tool and unnecessary. Then, I had someone convince me to try it. At the time, I had spent weeks trying to teach Duke "Beg" with little to no success. So I tried the clicker just to play with it, and he learned it in about 2 sessions.

Also, fun fact about me, I have clicker trained nurse sharks and sting rays when I volunteered at the Clearwater Aquarium (where Winter the Dolphin lives) :-)


Experienced Member
Me and the hubby have 5 identical clickers, they have variations of loudness if we want. We keep one on the coffee table, one each in our treatbags which have those curly extendable keyrings on which we attach to our wrists when out walking, or doing training sessions with the treatbags on, they always get replaced in the treatbags when not out on walks or training. Plus we have one we keep in the kitchen and one we have on the stairs (Ripley is only allowed downstairs) which we pickup and use when we come down the stairs and always replace there. We find we are never without a clicker in reach then!


Honored Member
Why would anyone need to have a clicker with them constantly?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the clicker was only really used while training the trick and then when the dog knows the trick you don't need a clicker. So you would only need the clicker if you are planning to practice a new trick (ie, during training time at home, in obedience class or agility and maybe on a walk but I would think you would teach the new trick at home first not on a walk)

Or is everyone ready to "capture" a trick at all times? (I've never captured a trick so I don't know if maybe that is what everyone is doing)


Honored Member
I have a clicker at hand, because I am not working on just one trick at a time.
Ususally, 1 new trick, that still requires the clicker all the way, 1 trick that is in the proofing stage, so still using a clicker by interval rewarding, and 1 trick that is "done"
I don't take the clicker on walks, unless I plan on training heelwork.
But I also use YES as a marker, so I don't need to carry a clicker all the time.

And as for my dog-aggressive dog, I don't think I will ever be able to go to a time, where I don't have to use a marker(click/yes) anymore:D That is an ongoing training:rolleyes: