Yes I agree, "Ball of Crazy" is perfect. And I was originally going to name her Riot, but my wife wasnt a huge fan of it, so we decided on Tempest, Temp or Tempie for short.
Yeah drive is something she is not short of...we went to the park by my house lastnight. Took us 10 minutes for a 2 minute walk because she gets herself so worked up she tries to drag me down the street.
Once we got there I worked mainly on some distance disc work, she is so fast I am going to do more out throws with her to showcase her speed and closing ability, so it was alot of back and forth running for her. We were there for probably 30 minutes or so, working off and on.
Walk back home, go out back to clean up the backyard so I can cut it this after noon and she was already bringing me discs and tennis balls to throw.
I am going to have to be really careful with her over the summer though, she will be one of those dogs that will work until she drops so I will need to watch her closely for sure, dont want her to hurt herself or get heatstroke.