A Few (fairly Boring) Tricks From Zac...


Honored Member
I had the camera with me on our walk yesterday and so I filmed some of our trick revision.

The video is fairly repetitious as I haven't edited the clips but at least you'll be able to see that I'm not just making up everything I say about training Zac :ROFLMAO:. Actually he worked much better than I expected... I was astounded that he responded to "away," it is one of those word associations that he normally pretends not to understand :sneaky:.

I see I use lots of hand signals :D particularly I pull Zac out of his bow position with a hand signal. Also sit and wait at a distance are much more from the hand signal than the word. Funny how much you do without realising until you watch yourself on video ;).

Also I hadn't noticed what a variety of rewards I used... 4 obvious types of reward in a 3 minute video - tennis ball, treats (2 varieties), verbal praise and fuss.

BTW the black glove was because the tennis ball was really wet and slimey... my hand was frozen!


Experienced Member
A dog jumping 5' in the air "fairly boring"?!?! Zac is real cool :cool:.

I don't think that hand signals are a bad thing if they understand the verbal commands too. With the wind my voice gets carried away, so i use alot of hand signals.

Think about if i want the lump that is Oka jumping over me...i'm sure she'd use me as a spring board just for a laugh!!


Honored Member
Wow "fairly boring" lol i think not they were great, especially loved the jumping over you. wish I could teach Bella that.
Glad you liked it.

LOL it isn't hard to start Bella with jumping your legs - sit on the floor and get her popping over your legs then gradually make your legs higher. Jumping your arm is just a progression from that - but always keep the height something your dog can manage and enjoy. Make sure your dog is jumping fit and warmed up first. Be prepared to get very muddy and probably bruised if you try this when out walking :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Honored Member
Think about if i want the lump that is Oka jumping over me...i'm sure she'd use me as a spring board just for a laugh!!

I'll tell Zac you think he is cool, I'm sure he'll agree as his ego is the size of the Matterhorn :)

Lots of lurchers and other sighthounds jump much higher but I think this is near Zac's limit so I don't want to push him. Zac used to kick dreadfully. I just rewarded the better jumps and now I get muddy but not battered. There's only been once Zac nearly knocked me out going full pelt into the side of my head, it wasn't even his fault, I looked up at the wrong moment.


Honored Member
*THAT'S* the 'beg' i WISH my dog could do, but, he can't/won't (he falls over:rolleyes: ) Zac looks especially lovely doing his "beg" with his lil trim figure there, and perfectly curved front legs.
I must make Buddy watch this video so he can SEE how it is supposed to be done!:ROFLMAO: Besides falling over, Buddy holds his arms out straight, so it never looks quite right.

Zac's 'spin' is much better looking than Buddy's too.

Zac is lovely lovely lil statue of a dog! Zac always looks like artwork to me, like the kind of dog so many dog statues are modelled after. Graceful, lean, curvy athletic dogs.

AMAZING leap at last moment of video, too, WOW! That dog can FLY! wow....NICE WORK, RDOG!
loved it!


Honored Member
Thanks everyone for all your enthusiasm! It is really nice to feel that Zac can do tricks that people like to watch.

I guess I never thought all that much about his jumping because that is what lurchers do! They even have jumping competitions at some of the game fairs and country shows in England. Some of the bigger lurchers are said to jump soccer goal posts though I haven't seen that myself.

Dogster - your dog is what people in England would call a lurcher. A lurcher is a cross between a sighthound and another breed group (terrier, utility, working etc).


Honored Member
Also, i'd love to know how to teach that "away" cue, very cute to watch-------if it can be explained via online, i've never even tried that one.
"Away" is certainly useful if you need distance. Really it is just like "go to place" I suppose.
When I started to train "away" I just put a treat on the ground took Zac a little distance from the treat and told him "Away" of course he went to the treat and then I told him "down" or "sit." Later I sent him "away" without putting a treat down and threw him a treat when I stopped him. So basically he should know it means he has to put some distance between us.

Zac is not good at this (the video shows his best ever performance of "Away" :D ) so I'm sure there is a better way to train it. I think if I was training it again I'd probably use the clicker to click for one step away, two steps etc.


Honored Member
AMAZING!!! My dog cannot jump THAT high, although I want to teach her to jump higher. Soccer goal posts?!!! WOW!!!:LOL:


Honored Member
OMG!!!!! GREAT TRICK!!!!! LOVE ZAC!!!!:love: Also, I love the video subtitles!!!! You're very creative!!!:D


Honored Member
Glad you enjoyed the video :)

Zac has such a dry sense of humour that for a long time I thought he was stupid. It was this stacking dishes trick that showed me that actually he is very bright (and I am stupid :ROFLMAO:).