New Member
What do you do when you miss an opportunity to click or you click something you shouldn't have?
When I miss a click, I will normally just chuck food on the floor without a click. If the dog's clever, she might work out what the food is for. If not, she's just got a free feed.
When I click something I shouldn't have, I will lure the dog with food to do what I should've clicked... This way, the food is presented to them straight away (as a lure), but then they are actually being rewarded in the correct position. They feel like they get fed straight away, and being fed in position is very strong, too (as strong as a click I would say!).
When I miss a click, I will normally just chuck food on the floor without a click. If the dog's clever, she might work out what the food is for. If not, she's just got a free feed.

When I click something I shouldn't have, I will lure the dog with food to do what I should've clicked... This way, the food is presented to them straight away (as a lure), but then they are actually being rewarded in the correct position. They feel like they get fed straight away, and being fed in position is very strong, too (as strong as a click I would say!).