The Dog Show this weekend...


New Member
Well, the dog show went pretty well, and considering it was so hot, I'm really happy with how Chloe did. I probably goofed a couple times as well, but overall, I'm happy. We have our first 2 legs to Rally Novice A now. We got a 70 on Saturday, then an 82 on Sunday. If Chloe would have done the Moving Down on the first station today, we would have had a 92 and First Place. But she wouldn't go Down, was just too hot. I did a Retry, and she didn't again. So we moved on and took the -10 points figuring that we could do most of the rest of the course with minimal point losses. But we lost another 8 points, I think they were mainly on the other 2 Downs that we had on the course, but she actually did them after a retry on one of them, a -3 points. But overall, I'm a happy camper and ready for next weekend in Shelton. If we get our 3rd leg on Saturday, we will have our Rally Novice A Title, and can actually move up to Rally Advanced A on Sunday for our first leg. And it should be cooler, lol. It was in the mid 90's here on Saturday, and about 97 or more when we were in the ring Sunday. And I'm a red lobster now, lol. But anyways, we did it. We got our first 2 legs, and Chloe is a Happy Girl.

We have another Dog Show next weekend to go to in Shelton, WA. Hoping to get our 3rd leg in for our Novice Title. And the nice thing, it's going to be much cooler, lol.


New Member
Well, our weekend was 50/50, lol....

It started out Saturday morning, while waiting for the trial, we did some practicing. There was also a German Shepherd in the group as well, also on their 3rd leg for Rally Novice. But they were last in line. So when it was our turn, 4th in line, we sent to the Start, and when the Judge said Forward, we took off. I wanted to keep Chloe's attention, so we picked up the pace a little. We had an awesome run. The only 2 points we got docked for was when Chloe turned away to try and sniff something and the leash tightened up, 2 times. Other than that, it was an absolute perfect run, Chloe's eyes were glued to me. So we ended up with a 98, and First Place, but still had several behind us. There were some Absents, a couple NQ's, and then the GSD. After their run, they also got a 98, lol. So now it all depended on the time. When we went in the ring, the judge started out saying that the perfect score was 100, and didn't have any, but we had 2 98's. And the winner was Chloe, by less than a second, lol. It was so close. We were biting out nails to see who was first. So we got First Place, as well as our 3rd leg and Novice Title. Was a great day.

Then we moved up to Advanced. Sunday I went in, and practiced some. When we were waiting, the gal with the GSD was there as well and told her friend that the guy with the Sheltie was going to blow everyone away, lol. I laughed. Well, the GSD got an 86. But Chloe, well, she didn't even get started, lol. Got to the start line, and her nose went to the ground. Finally got her to sit, and the I said I was ready and the judge said Forward. Got to the first station, and Chloe sniffed more. And caught a scent and ran off, lol. We got excused, lol. Our first NQ. I could not believe she would do that, lol. She was doing so well in practice, even with the toughest stations practicing. I ran through most all the stations in practice, since we had a map of the course. And she blew it right from the start, lol. Ah well. Another day I guess, lol.


Experienced Member
ahh yes, I know those days!! Dogs are so unpredictable. I always felt like an idiot on those days when Lance left me to heel by myself in the obedience ring. Hopefully we've fixed some things and those days are over for us?

Congrats on your new title though, you must be so proud!