Ppl Say The Darnedest Things!


Well-Known Member
this is a conversation i've had more than once:


Random Person [RP]
Me [Me]

RP: "oooooh, what a gorgeous dog! he reminds me of a dog i had when i was a little girl!"
Me: "oh, you had a border collie?"
RP: "no...."
Me: "oh. you had a black dog?"
RP: "no...."
Me (reaching now): "you had a male dog?"
RP: "no... she was a brown chihuahua...."

Me (thinking): "oh, well, except that he's a he and black and not a chihuahua, i can see the resemblance!"


Experienced Member
LOL! Yeah, I get a similar conversation...oh I (or my son/daughter) have (or use to have) a dog just like yours.
Oh do you have a golden retriever? No he's a black Labrador retriever (sometimes yellow at least that's closer).

Or I have a golden retriever and he is JUST like yours! Only, he is a lot taller and a lot darker and not as smart and not so well behaved and...........


Experienced Member
Haha!! :D
I usually get ``Awww what a cute puppy!!!!!!!!!!`` when her hair is long. :p And then i say that she just turned 3..lol
When she is shaved people think she is a poodle/whippet mix. (she is a golden retriver/mini poodle)


Honored Member
I got into an arguement with a man one day, who was convinced that Jinx was a husky. So I told him she is an australian shepherd. No I was vey wrong about that, she was definately a husky. When I said I have known her since she was one week old and both parents were present at the breeders, so I KNOW she is an aussie and it sais so on her pedigree, he said I had been deceived by this breeder, because he was very, very sure she was a husky.
So I asked why he thought that. His answer: only husky's have blue eyes...:rolleyes:


Experienced Member
Everyone thinks River is a very pretty girl. ...and he is so 'little' so he must be a young puppy, maybe 8 months? He is going to be 4 in August. He is only about 1 inch under breed standard for male goldens. He does still have a cute puppy face except he is already going gray. :( Oh and he's one of those Golden Labradors, right? I'm surprised that so many people don't realize that a Golden Retriever and a yellow Labrador Retriever are actually different breeds.


Honored Member
I got into an argument with a man one day, who was convinced that Jinx was a husky. So I told him she is an australian shepherd. No I was vey wrong about that, she was definately a husky. When I said I have known her since she was one week old and both parents were present at the breeders, so I KNOW she is an aussie and it sais so on her pedigree, he said I had been deceived by this breeder, because he was very, very sure she was a husky.
So I asked why he thought that. His answer: only husky's have blue eyes...:rolleyes:
It actually took me a while to finally figure out Cooper was an Aussie like Jinx. When I first joined this site and saw your signature picture, I thought Cooper was a Bernese Mountain Dog. :X3: He looks a lot different from the Aussies I've seen here in the US, Jinx too. (Which is good, I think they look nicer!)


Honored Member
It actually took me a while to finally figure out Cooper was an Aussie like Jinx. When I first joined this site and saw your signature picture, I thought Cooper was a Bernese Mountain Dog. :X3: He looks a lot different from the Aussies I've seen here in the US, Jinx too. (Which is good, I think they look nicer!)
Well, I can't blame you for thinking that;) He is so out of proportion. He is too tall, too long and he has a big head. He doesn't look like an aussie at all. Especially when you only see headshots of him, you would think he is a bernese.
But he is not so heavily build as a bernese. He stands 24,8 inches high, so he is well over an inch taller than breedstandard(an inch under bernese standard) and he weighs about 83lbs.
He doesn't have a pedigree even though his breeder promised he had one. He(the breeder) send me registrationpapers for the asca(australian shepherd club america) for me to fill in. I never registered him, because I didn't feel the need to.
For a while( before I got those papers) I thought Cooper's mother had an accident with the bernese, who was also one of the dogs they had. And that this man pulled one on us. But as it turns out, Cooper's dad is huge too and my boy just grew out of proportion. He had such an awfull puppyhood with all that growing pain.
Jinx her breeder tells me he looks a lot like some German bloodlines where aussies are a build more heavily.
And that could be right as both mom and dad are bred in germany.
Anyway most people ask if he is a bernese mix, some guess he is a big border. And you see jaws drop, when I tell them Cooper and Jinx are the same breed:ROFLMAO: Two dogs of the same breed couldn't be more different then my two;)


Honored Member
People always think Lewis is a girl, I can kind of understand that because of his looks, but at the same time of course there has to be male pomeranians so I don't see why people should assume he is a girl (he even has a blue collar and leash) :confused:

On the other hand people always think Holly is a boy and also that she is old, I had one person say she was "obviously a boy" O_o :confused: . They are always surprised when I say her age. She runs around and plays like a young dog, I guess people just see the colour on her face (I guess it is sort of grey, but not "old dog" grey) and also because she is well behaved (ie, doesn't run off, run up to people, isn't bouncy or annoying to other dogs).


Experienced Member
People always think Lewis is a girl, I can kind of understand that because of his looks, but at the same time of course there has to be male pomeranians so I don't see why people should assume he is a girl (he even has a blue collar and leash) :confused:

On the other hand people always think Holly is a boy and also that she is old, I had one person say she was "obviously a boy" O_o :confused: . They are always surprised when I say her age. She runs around and plays like a young dog, I guess people just see the colour on her face (I guess it is sort of grey, but not "old dog" grey) and also because she is well behaved (ie, doesn't run off, run up to people, isn't bouncy or annoying to other dogs).
I have a friend who has a Standard Poodle and people assume he is a girl all the time. She's even said to people that he is a boy and they respond "What Poodles can be boys?!........ Ummm yeah! She said it even happens at dog shows and their was a vendor at one of the shows that went on and on about how girly he was and how he had so many feminine qualities. My friend was like uh actually there is nothing girly about him and he is the most masculine poodle she has ever seen. (I don't know if she actually said that or just thought it.)


Honored Member
I always get with Ra Kismet "she's so pretty what breed is she?" And they think he's a puppy still. He's a boy and three years old!!!!!!!!! Plus all his tack is blue!!!!!!!!!! Breed, well can understand that, as he is a bit of a mixture. With Zeus I get 'he's a handsome heeler' = LOL spot on there!!!! But people do think he's younger like around four years instead of almost 13 years old - it's the good life that keeps him young plus he's a cool dude doesn't stress!

Only girl Poodles? LOL how do they think puppies come into being??? Artificial Insemination, via test tube sperm too?


Well-Known Member
same with pit bull types - you mention a "female" pit bull and the reaction is a face like you just suggested something unnatural, lol.