Something we do with Gordy that ends up being kind of cute is my boyfriend and I will have a conversation with hidden "trick" words weaved all throughout it. Gordy doesn't know that many tricks yet, and so its hard to make a conversation that makes sense... we usually ad lib these ridiculous conversations... but people think its cute, so eh.
We started it by accident... when I was reading the class plans for our foster dog's obedience class out loud to my boyfriend, Gordy would "sit" as soon as I read "sit" lay down as soon as I read "down"... and so on. So we thought it would be funny to do it with his small little repertoire of tricks too.
As far as not being nervous... I'm a mess when I have to do anything in public, but when Gordy and I do any kind of contest, I don't get so nervous because I know Gordy's the star... and if he messes up... who cares! It's all for him to have fun, and he doesn't know that anybody knows he messed up, so as long as I'm happy he will be