Ort Coming Up (odor Recognition Test)


Well-Known Member
It's still a ways off but I just wanted to share that Baby and I are signed up for our ORT! Every dog has to pass the odor recognition test before they can start competing. I'm so excited! Baby has progressed so fast and has shocked me our last few training sessions. I need to just get more confident and realize my dog knows what he's doing, I need to trust him!


Honored Member
Oh how exciting!!!! We've passed all 3 of ours - but I still remember our first ORT (we now have several trials under out belt too). I was SOOO nervous - and Makena just walked in and did her thing. Baby will too!!! Good luck, and please post as soon as you pass (I'm sure you will!). When is it?

And you know the mantra: TRUST YOUR DOG!!!! :cool:


Experienced Member
Good luck! You'll be fine! When is it?
I want to do a lesson/class nosework/tracking someday with Boef she realy enjoys that kind of work.


Well-Known Member
We just took it a couple days ago and he passed! He did very well. Fortunately he is a very obvious alerter when it comes to boxes (ORTs hide the scent in a box that is lined up with others in two columns). He just jumps on them haha. The people that reorganize the boxes certainly don't like it though, I'm sure.


Honored Member
He's a good worker, just breezing by all the boxes cuz .. hey, nothing's in them anyway .. til, whoa, right here!! (y) Love the way he works! Great job. And you said above you almost choked when he alerted, but had to trust him (cuz really, what other choice did you have? :LOL:). Yep - it's all about his nose. Trust your dog. Good work.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I like the way he works too, considering I didn't have to shape any sort of alert, he just naturally dives into the boxes.

I got caught up and scared of his alert a few days before though because he pawed at a box slightly, and I had forgotten where it was hidden so I was all like "yay!" but it wasn't the right one. So yea, then after that for some reason he stopped pawing at boxes and just sort of looked up at me -- which is obviously not as strong of an alert as pawing or jumping on it.

He was a street dog for a while, so our instructor is always amused at the lengths he'll go to get a scent. In the beginning days when we worked with flower pots and cookie tins and the food was still paired with the birch, Baby had no issue opening the containers and getting the food out himself lol.