Somewhere on their Facebook Page they mention that they make games out of teaching the tricks (I think they said "If you turn it into a game it's easier"), so I'm assuming they use mostly +R.
I don't know, I was overall rather unimpressed with most of their tricks - although that could be because I have seen many of you all teach your dogs MUCH more incredible/complicated behaviors
. I just think they focused too much on the dogs walking on their back legs. And I agree, I didn't like the picking up/carrying to place - I would have been far more impressed if they had sent them to their place to start each trick, but I'm guessing they probably did it that way to save time/lower potential for errors.
I did LOVE the little conga line though, and the little dog that "misbehaved" was adorable. And Bella's trick where she jumped over the guy doing a forward roll and then barrel rolled underneath the guy jumping was AWESOME.
Either way I LOVE the fact that this really is the year of the Dog. First Ashley and Pudsey on BGT, and now Olate Dogs on AGT. Hope that will encourage people to get out there and teach their dog something new and cool!