Yeah, that is a good one. My dog will also take anyone, doing anything, to him. A total stranger can rush up to Buddy, throw their arms around, and squeal how cute he is, right in his face,
and Buddy will be okay with all that, but, many dogs would dislike such rudeness.
NO DOUBT, dogs sure would prefer better manners from us humans!! I'm also surprised when ppl do not even ASK prior to reaching for my dog. LUckily, my dog is fine with anyone doing anything, but, even today, at Petsmart, I was reading a package,
heard someone talking behind me,
and realized, some stranger is now leaning over my dog, cooing in his face, and rubbing his head. I did not even see her coming. she did not even ASK first!!!
She just decided she had to lean over and about kiss on my dog!! Her face was only inches off of my dog's face!! behind my back!!! WOW.
Luckily for her, my dog IS fine with that, but, wow, she could end up getting bit if she does this to wrong dog!!!!!!!! PLus, her behavior could freak out the wrong dog, adding to his stress.
Oddly, children tend to ASK first, and i always compliment the children for asking first, telling them that is so smart to always ask about dogs they dont' know.
but, adults, not so much. Adults tend to just jump in, lean over my dog, and rub all over my dog, even kiss my dog!!!!, and all the while squealing in his face!!! wow. Actually, the more i think about this, it's hard to recall very many adults who even ASK!!!!