Yes, if i 'have to' pass the dog,
Yes, if i 'have to' pass a dog that
Buddy is obviously reacting to---- i do and will. Sometimes i have no options.
(otherwise, it sounds like i never pass any dogs unless i 'have to'....
then i do loop around and walk along BEHIND enemydog, at a distance both dogs seem comfy with.
Whenever i can, if i see oncoming dog, i do make Buddy stop, sit, look at me, (not my pocket,
me) and i yawn, big noisy-ish yawn.......and SLOWLY BLINK,:dogwub: too. Then we pass by enemydog, i almost always find something to say to the other human, in a calm happy voice, "What a cute dog, how old is your dog?" so Buddy can hear *i* am not afraid.
(not sure that helps, but, it certainly doesn't hurt).
If Buddy reacts, i tend to body block him, putting myself between him and enemydog, again, look at me, yawn, slow blink, and then i squat down next to him, and give him a party in his mouth, if he can watch enemydog go by without further barking...
someitmes i am speed treating to prevent a bark, which might not be right thing to do, not sure.
treattreattreattreattreattreattreat, like no chance to brk, really, he is being speed fed treats while looking at monsterdog. doing it this way, with some tension still palpable in buddy======= is not my goal, but, i've done it now and then,
when i can not escape, not get him calm.
My goal is to get him CALM and treat
that. BUT I can not
always get Buddy calm. Sometimes, yes, yes i do!!! But, nope, not all the time. That is when i speed treat, massage slowly, til enemy dog has gone by...
but, sometimes that is the only option i have. I loathe to allow Buddy spend
any time barking away at enemydogs.
also while massaging his back, telling him a slow calm voice, still yawning now and then, telling him how he does not have to worry about that dog, is all good. Treating for looking AT the dog,
Ideally treating while *CALMLY* looking at enemy dog.
against common sense, when i make Buddy lie down,
for him, this helps *him* tolerate enemy dog going by from across the street, when we have no other option, but to speed-treat and wait it out.
Wouldn't you think asking Bud to lie down (across the street) would be 'ASKING

Ha, go figure, for MY dog, this helps
him, he sometimes even gets himself calm, watching enemydog go by, when i tell him lie down.
This might not help another dog, but, it helps my dog. Go figure.
I keep my hands free, always hooking his leash to my belt. I use extenda leash, so i can have him up close on short leash, or 16 feet away, and both my hands are free. If he is offleash, at some other portion of our walk, i unhook leash from his collar.
I actually enjoy working on this with Buddy, more and more each time. I try hard not to let setbacks get me as bad as they used to, i try hard not to let everyone's claims if the dog was just handled properly, he'd be "fine" get to me anymore.
LIke Tx and me were recently discussing, we
humans are always learning to be able to reach out to our dogs, to teach our dogs, to understand our dogs,
WE have to keep learning things.
Maybe someday, Buddy will advance along to get comfy being dog in front, but that time is not yet.
ONce, or twice, i've told the ppl i am following---if they seemed aware we are back there---- i am working to get my dog used to other dogs from back here, so i did not come off as a stalker, etc, ha ha. They understood and didn't mind.
also, anytime Buddy reacts,
full blown reaction:dogmad:, i mean, he will also react to ANY dog he sees for
next 20 minutes, no exceptions, even his beloved pal will get hollered out, if he sees his best pal in next 20 somewhere this is cuz his adrenaline is still coursing through and making him still feel freaky.