New Member
I am completely new to all of this. The positive training methods, the forums, talking to other trainers...that sounds cool and scary at the same time. I never liked that old method that most people used, but I never really bothered searching for a better one until about 2 years ago. I'm glad I found out about positive training and clicker training! :dogbiggrin: The only thing is, I still don't understand how to "train" exactly. I get confused because my mind has been set on the old method for so long. My parents think I care more about animals than humans and think that I shouldn't get in other people's business when I see animal cruelty. :dogsad: I highly disagree. I don't support, bullying, child abuse, or any of that in any way. Either way, I'm in a rut. I hope this site helps me defend what's right for Earth's creatures. :doghappy: