luna may;2692 said:
Say, CollieMan, how much time a day do you spend with Ellie?
I am physically with her each day, as I am lucky enough to work from home. Though the time I spend *with* her isn't as much as you might think. We train/play each morning, in the local park, for about forty-five minutes. Then we'll come home and we usually do some trick training indoors, for about ten minutes.
Then we repeat the same in the late afternoon, though she will have two trick training sessions in the evening as that is when she is at her most active, and so we need to spend that energy.
I resent only having two walks per day, but the daylight hours are too short to make three practical at the moment. But, I'm like a child waiting for Christmas at the moment, counting the extra minutes that it remains daylight each day.

I can't wait to be out there even more.
You two are awsome- how in the world did you teach her to do that???
Thanks. She's the awesome one though. She just is that 'dog in a million' that I always wanted. I'm immensely proud of her. As long as I respect her timid personality, she's happy to perform. I sometimes think I expect too much of her too soon, and I have to constantly check myself for that. But then, quantity is mostly relative to the dog in my view, not the age. You need only look at what Sylvia Trkman's dog, Bu, was accomplishing at eleven months to appreciate that.
When I want to see truly awesome, I look at the likes of
Sylvia Trkman, and our own
xsara, and I'm in complete awe. Have you seen their videos? They are both at a level that I can only dream about right now. It is they who constantly inspire me to improve, not only my methods, but also my relationship with Ellie. Not only can their dogs perform, but they perform with such an unrivalled natural approach, and you can physically see them loving every second of it.
xsara, Don't ever get your own website, as I'll just chew up your bandwidth in no time at all, watching those videos.
I can't really explain how I got Ellie to open the crate for herself, so this weekend I shall get her to open another door using the same approach, so you'll be able to see. She learned to open the crate in about fifteen minutes, so we'll see how she does with another door. I'll record it without editing so it should be more helpful.