Easy Button

Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi Everyone,

I was at staples today and found this really cool "EASY" button, and I immediately thought about turning it into a trick and for a training challenge. :)

Here's the video of me training my dog Onyx:

If you don't have an "EASY" button or don't want to purchase one, then you can use any other object and train your dog to push on it with his paw. For example, you could use a Tupperware container and turn it upside down.

Have fun!


Experienced Member
@southerngirl, I think you can use almost anything as a substitute for the easy button (wooden block/halve of a tennisball/little tupperware box). I don't have a easy button either and don't want to buy one, because I will only use it for this trick:)


Honored Member
Great will use something else, couldn't find an easy button here, no one has even heard of them!

Half a tennis ball, that will be a challenge! Will look for a block of wood or something like that.


Honored Member
I'm finding Ra Kismet will put his paw on anything I've tried so far but he's not pushing with his nose. Will have to keep working on this one. I'm using a shell at present.

Jean Cote

Staff member
I'm finding Ra Kismet will put his paw on anything I've tried so far but he's not pushing with his nose. Will have to keep working on this one. I'm using a shell at present.
You might want to start training nose taps on a target that you hold in your hand, like a circle that you cut on an old tupperware or margarine container. Then position the target in all sorts of locations. :)


Honored Member
Thank you so much Jean. Will try that with our next training sessions. He's just not 'getting it' at the moment tried today again before reading your post. Was just sitting looking hopeful and he can out sit anyone LOL when he's in that zone.:LOL:


Honored Member
Dogster great work. :love: YEAH Shivon used her paw - Ra Kismet will use his paw but not his nose! There's hope for us yet. LOVED the music too really suited the trick and Shivon, so cute!:love::D

Cannot get an easy button anywhere, I don't think they're available here, so will find something else and upload a vid - with Ra Kismet using his paw - tried everything to get him to target with his nose but LOL the only thing his nose targets is yucky thrown away take out food when out walking or the trick bag!:D:rolleyes::eek:


Honored Member
It's okay, Ra Kismet doesn't have to use his nose; I think it's better if he does a paw target for this training challenge.:)

For nose targets, I hid treats in my hand for Shivon to touch it. Maybe that'll work???:)