Your three most valuable training tips


Experienced Member
As the title suggests, it's time, in this season of sharing, to donate your three most valuable doggy training tips. Please do limit it to three, and please do keep them as concise as possible, so that others can read them quickly.

Mine are....

1. Feed only from the hand for the first few months and use the food as rewards for training.

2. Don't forget to train the life-skills, such as bathing, door manners, and claw-clipping, as well as obedience.

3. Remember dogs have off-days, just as we do. If the dog doesn't seem to be enjoying things, stop.


New Member
My tips are maybe more appropriate for dogs who are not so easy to motivate:

1. Use three types of rewards: jackpot, excellent and normal reward. This way the dog is not too distracted by his favourite reward but is doing his best in hope to get it,

2. keep you training sessions short and fun, finish when it's the most fun and the dog will always want more,

3. always end your training sessions when the dog does something very well and reward a lot. Never finish with a failure.


New Member
Hmmm....Awesome topic idea, I'll try to give my two cents.

1. Never get angry when training, you want your dog to be happy, so you'll have to be happy too.

2. Be patient, all dogs learn at different speeds.

3. Keep lessons short and fun. Really.


Experienced Member
I don't have too valuable tips, but I'll try to write down 3...
1. Never loose your sense of humour, sometimes your dog can't really understand what you want him to do.
2. Never train in too big steps. Speed can destroy the result.
3. Never want a thing from your dog that he can't do. For example you can't expect a chihuahua to jump over your back.


Honored Member
Staff member
1. Give your dog time to be a dog. Give him breaks, days off, and use this time to just play.
2. Always make training sessions FUN. You don't want him to resent training; you want him to look forward to it.
3. Be creative--if the method everyone is telling you to use isn't working, utilize your dog's strengths to create a different method that works best for your dog. For instance, if most trainers tell you to teach your dog to back up by stepping towards him, but your dog responds best to very light pressure on the chest or holding a treat above his nose and moving it back, then go with it. He'll let you know how he wants to learn. Pay attention to him. Don't be afraid to be unconventional if your dog does better and enjoys it more. :dogsmile:


New Member
already so many good tips! Let's see...

1. Dogs don't generalize well. If you want your dog to listen and pay attention to you under certain circumstances, such as in public places around other dogs, don't expect him to do that the very first time he encounters that situation (or the second time, or even the third time), you must first practice and train in the same or similar situations while allowing for mistakes on the dog's part.

2. Management is just as important as training throughout the life of the dog. It will prevent training from regressing by preventing the dog from rehearsing the undesirable behaviors, and sometimes is the most reliable or viable option to keeping your dog or others safe and happy.

3. Use environmental rewards, not just treats and toys and petting. Some of the most powerful rewards for dogs are environmental - being given permission to go sniff or go play with another dog. These are often competing distractions for your dog's attention, but if used as rewards (where you can control your dog's access to them) they can work to your advantage instead of against you!