What's the wierdest thing your dog ate?


Well-Known Member
I hope I'm not rehashing an old topic...but I thought this would be fun. :doghappy:

How this came into my head is that one day, I came downstairs to find onion peel fragments littering my floor. Following the trail, Bella is found with a half eaten onion in her doggy bed with her and the guiltiest look on her face. This was awhile back and I almost forgot about the incident until I found a lone onion peel fragment hiding in the corner of the living room yesterday as I was cleaning the house.

I know puppies eat lots of things...but onions? PHew, talk about puppy breath!:dogblink:


New Member
Just a warning to pet owners--dogs actually do like the taste of onions, and ingestion of large amounts can cause serious hemolytic anemia. Cats are much more sensitive to the effects of onion than dogs are, but the effect in dogs appears to be dependent on the type of onion ingested, the amount, and the size of the dog. There are cases where dogs have gained access to an entire bag of onions, eaten it all, and had serious problems afterward.

Hemolytic anemia is a situation in which changes in the red blood cells cause the spleen to destroy the cells in numbers larger than can be replaced by the animal's bone marrow, and the animal suffers from an inability to provide adequate oxygen to the body's tissues. In the most severe cases, or in unrecognized and untreated cases, the pet could die.

For safety's sake, please avoid feeding onion (raw or cooked) and keep supplies of onions out of your pet's reach!


Honored Member
Staff member
Greats tips Makakoa!

Well, as for mine...hmm...
I had a Bichon Frise many years back who somehow managed to break a glass candy dish(which we thought was far out of his reach) and raid it...when we got home he had Christmas candies stuck all over his face, a bad tummy ache, and an innocent look just begging for us to not think he had done it. xD

My vet has a female yellow lab who has a nasty habit of eating...well, literally everything. And when she's roaming around a large/small animal hospital, both indoor and out....well, that can pose a problem. Her favorites seem to be rocks. I don't know if she regurgitates them later, or has a stomach of steel, or thinks she's a squirrel and stores them in her cheeks....but she's constantly picking up rocks and miscellaneous other rock-like things. Astonishingly enough, he's never had to open her up. She's never had stomach trouble at all. I suppose perhaps she picks them up and carries them off before spitting them out maybe. No idea, but just about anything is fair game for her. Silly Lana. Good thing she knows better than to search through vet trash, I supppose. :dogwink:


Experienced Member
Do you really want me to list it?? :D
So, she ate a plush bear (not a big one), quitwe a few balloons (I know it's very dangerous, I got her not to do it anymore), she ate all the leftover "pörkölt", which is a traditional hungarian food, when we didn't see her this easter....
And a lot of intresting stuff...


Experienced Member
weve had to many strange things especailly by our old dog rex, he really kept our vet in business,
but koda has gotton into the habit of eating soap for some reason, she loves the soap you can squirt too but i found two bars with teeth marks over it in her kennel when i cleaned it out the other day, have no idea how she got them but that does explain us blaming each other for using all the soap


Experienced Member
I know a girl, whose dog started off with chewing a bed. She was a puppy back then.
They had to throw the bed away.... It fell apart... :D


Well-Known Member
I'll be sure to keep soap and Christmas candies out of reach. *LOL* And just to clarify, Bella has never eaten an onion since, and neither do I indulge her in human food; I always keep the pantry door closed. But thanks for the useful info.


New Member
Did not mean to imply that you are not careful about your dog's food. Many people are unaware of how an innocent-appearing onion could be harmful to a pet's health, so I just wanted to take the opportunity to spread the word.:dogsmile:

I had a student once whose Alaskan sled dog mix ate her father's shaving kit (the whole thing, including the leather case and the razors inside.) That was a surgical problem! This is the same dog that dug up an underground cable and knocked out phone service to the entire neighborhood, who chewed through a small backyard tree and felled it, and who chewed through the connection between the heat pump and the house, causing the heating system to fail. When Lori graduated and moved away from home, her parents made her pay for a landscaping firm to come in and repair, fill in holes, and generally restore their back yard.
A very expensive pet, indeed!


Honored Member
Staff member
Ouch!!! Seems like someone at some point would attempt to contact a trainer... :doghuh: And if the first one didn't work...then try another! It's not they weren't spending a whole bunch of money anyway. A good trainer could've helped them avoid a lot of those bills...


New Member
Yes, you would think that a trainer would be their first thought...but go figure!

We would hear tales of this dog's awful behavior on a regular basis. One of my favorites was the time the brother decided that the dog needed more exercise in order to reduce the bad behavior, so he took the totally non-leashed trained dog, which had been bred from Alaskan working sled dog stock, put on a pair of rollerblade skates, and proceeded to take off down the driveway. You can imagine how well that worked...the mind boggles.

Incredibly, he tried it later on a bicycle, with similar results. You have to give him credit for sheer courage and tenacity!!


Well-Known Member
That's the only thing I worry about with Bella, is if she'll eat something really bad for her. I'm glad to say that her rock eating days are over...and I'm not sure that she even ever ate them...probably just rolled them around her mouth to feel them and then spit them out. I've seen enough dogs bleeding at the mouth to be really concerned about it.

Makakoa, I understand that you were passing info, :) I just wanted to make sure no one thought I was just a careless owner because that is something that bothers me when I see people just brushing off their dog behavior as cute when in fact it's really bad behavior.

I didn't realize onions were such a lure for dogs until that happened with her. I do know that she wants chocolate so badly because every time I have anything chocolate nearby, Bella's trying frantically to get at it. Chocolate must smell as good to dogs as it does to humans. :D But never will I ever even give her a teensy taste of the stuff. Even if she pouts with her cute eyes.


Honored Member
Staff member
Lol! You should treat her with some karab treats every now and then to satisfy her chocolate cravings. ^^
Wow. o-o Either tenacity or stubborn stupidity...lol! If exercise had been the case that certainly isn't the way to take care of it for a working-bred Alaskan sled dog! But I'm sure you got a lot of entertainment out of their business. xD


Well-Known Member
I wondered if karab/ carob? (Is it the same?) actually helped...I thought I had seen it was a chocolate sub for doggies. Maybe I should give Bella the sad look as she's eating her dog-chocolate treats so she knows how it feels.


Honored Member
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xDDDD Lol! Perhaps. I can see the wheels turning in her head, "I wish she'd stop giving me the begging eyes. She can't have karab." (I believe karab/carob is the same; I've seen it spelled both ways for the same product.)


New Member
kangaroo poo! while we were on a walk my sister needed a rest so we sat down and while we were not looking she poped it in her mouth but when we found her with it in her mouth we were not to keen on pulling it out with our hands!


Well-Known Member
*LOL* Thanks for the advice, Tx...I'll definitely try the karab stuff.

Posie, you've definitely got me beat. :dogtongue2: Kangaroo poo isn't common here unless we go to the zoo. I completely understand about not wanting to pull it out...it's the same as when Bella picked up a dead baby bird. I kept yelling because I didn't want to have to fish the thing out. *L* Fortunately she dropped it with the 'leave it' command. Thank goodness for that one!


New Member
my female sandy ate a tube of krazy glue and did not even get sick the vet was amazed she also has eaten several large toads that have found there way into the yard and again no side affecys thank god.