Hi all! I'm a newbie with a question. I've never owned a dog before but I will be getting an American Cocker Spaniel within a month or so. I've been doing a lot of homework and research on dogs. I plan on using clicker training as it seems to be the most reliable and logical method to me. My question is this. How does one properly ween off of treats and use only praise? I read that the method is to use treats often and be generous with your dog (a newbie mistake is apparently not treating enough) and then do repetitions. For example do the trick ten times and treat ten times, then do the trick ten times and treat nine times with using praise only once at random, and so on in this fashion until your using only praise. My question is how does one properly do such a thing? Is it important to do this whole process with every trick you teach? How long does weening take (for say a cocker spaniel). I must say I am very inexperienced with applied training but am eager to learn. Thanks for your time!