Video of a Rescue Dog - Her Story


New Member
In the studio, she looks a bit skitty. As soon ashe the music starts for the freestyle - her tail's up and she's into it! What fantastic drive.

Thanks for posting. :)


New Member
Hey, I just realised that you're her mum! Fantastic work on her. :) She's an absolute charmer. I went to your website and all your dogs are so photogenic! I'm jealous!


Experienced Member
Very nice video. What a great dog, you've done extremley well with her, so many different sports and skills, you must be proud.
Good on you for taking in a rescue. I have a soft spot for the rescues.
Hope to see more videos soon.

Jean Cote

Staff member
Awesome video! I nominated it for Video of the month but couldn't vote for it because I had already casted my vote. :(

I got a question ... did you exercise her before bringing her onto the television stage? She looks really happy to be there. :) And it was an excellent freestyle hehehe.


Experienced Member
Now I'm getting confident, that we can achieve this with Pami too...

And she is just flying over the fences when doing agility! Amazing!



New Member
Thanks everyone :msngrin:

I got a question ... did you exercise her before bringing her onto the television stage?

I don't think I did as there wasn't really anywhere to go, we had had a couple of rehersals and Richard asked me completely different questions in the live show!!

Now I'm getting confident, that we can achieve this with Pami too...

So pleased it's made you feel that way, rescue dogs can achieve too :msncool:

Jean Cote

Staff member
I don't know why anyone would get rid of that dog, she's so beautiful.... Did you know anything about her past?


Honored Member
Staff member
Heartwarming. ^^
Cas caught my eye the first time I saw her when you first joined! What a beauty she is! Absolutely gorgeous. You've done a fantastic job with her. Mud's a rescue too, but fortunately I didn't really have any socialization work to do with her. She loves everybody and everything. Keep up the great work with Cas and all of your dogs!


New Member
Don't really know much about her past as she was found alone on the Welsh Mountains at 6 months old. I expect though she has been kicked from behind and also possibly taunted by children judging by the way she has reacted in those situations.


Experienced Member
ginauk84;5683 said:
I expect though she has been kicked from behind
Pami is a rescue dog too, and me and my family thing she had been beaten and kicked hard, becouse she is just so afraid of sudden movements of a leg or hand...