I wonder if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can get my dog to eat his meals each day.
His history is that when we first rescued him he was literally skin and bones, although the vet said his general health was good but we had to build him up. At present he is still going to be weighed every month to check he is improving.
We followed the little and often advise given to us and for the first month he was having 4/5 small meals each day, which he devoured without fail. However, this has now trailled off and he does not like eating in until early evening now.
That to me was not a problem as we can just increase his meal size to ensure he is getting enough. But some days he does not want to eat at all. I also know deep down that he will not starve himself but I'd like to see him eat something.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can encourage him to eat his meals?
He has also had a very heavy burden of worms which has not helped the weight issue but I think with one more wormer dose he should have got rid of them.
His history is that when we first rescued him he was literally skin and bones, although the vet said his general health was good but we had to build him up. At present he is still going to be weighed every month to check he is improving.
We followed the little and often advise given to us and for the first month he was having 4/5 small meals each day, which he devoured without fail. However, this has now trailled off and he does not like eating in until early evening now.
That to me was not a problem as we can just increase his meal size to ensure he is getting enough. But some days he does not want to eat at all. I also know deep down that he will not starve himself but I'd like to see him eat something.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can encourage him to eat his meals?
He has also had a very heavy burden of worms which has not helped the weight issue but I think with one more wormer dose he should have got rid of them.