Nice work Anneke. Originally Evie was that scared of the top of the suitcase moving even an inch in her direction that I thought we'd never be able to do this trick , but with clicking and treating for just one inch at a time, we actually made really fast progress. One training session she was terrified of it.. then we took 2 days off, came back to it and all of a sudden, so long as she was getting treats, it wasn't scary any more.
As soon as she could deal with me closing the lid on her, I did what Tif did and put a pile of REALLY yummy treats in the far corner of the suitcase, closed the lid and told Evie to 'go find' (her cue to search for a treat or toy). All of a sudden it didn't matter that the suitcase lid was touching her as there were so many treats involved lol.
Now I have troubles keeping her OUT of the suitcase