Well, contrary to John Wayne's Texas days, it is FREEZING COLD here in Texas. This morning I went to feed the horses in two very very thick jackets, a toboggan, and my leather gloves...and I was still cold. The outside water was frozen, and of course, my horse troughs were empty. So, I had to fill 5-gallon buckets in the bathtub, take them all the way back out to the troughs, and fill them. Of course, two of the horses emptied them before I got out there for the second round. So it was a very long and tedious task. One of them, my yearling paint filly, is kind of bad about crowding(which we are working on) and this resulted in a fair amount of water being dumped on ME. She's a snuggler. SO, there I was, freezing cold and now wet. It took forever to fill the dang troughs, and I am not really a large person, so those full buckets got heavy fast. e-e I am sore and still cold and tired. Lol. But the horses aren't thirsty. Then I broke the ice in all the other troughs and trudged inside to snuggle under a blanket. -sigh- :dogsleep: I like the winter and the snow and everything...but I'm ready for summer. :doglaugh:
Here's some things to do on a rainy day/bad weather day:
-Do an extreme clean of your dog's kennel (clean the tray with an anti-bacterial cleaner, vacuum and/or wash the rug, blanket, bed, carpet, whatever you have in it, clean the entire crate itself)
-Give your dog(s) a good, thorough grooming until it's warm enough for a bath day
-Clean house(nothing wrong with a little pet hair, but your guests would probably appreciate the absence of Fido's 6-inch hair on their clothes. :doghappy: )
-Organize all shot records and vet bills
-Check all of Fido's toys and throw away the ones he's destroyed
Feel free to post any other ideas you have. =) I'm sure those of you in the more northern places are used to bad weather days, so you guys probably know what to do inside while it's rainy. Down here it's not usually this cold. :doghappy:
Here's some things to do on a rainy day/bad weather day:
-Do an extreme clean of your dog's kennel (clean the tray with an anti-bacterial cleaner, vacuum and/or wash the rug, blanket, bed, carpet, whatever you have in it, clean the entire crate itself)
-Give your dog(s) a good, thorough grooming until it's warm enough for a bath day
-Clean house(nothing wrong with a little pet hair, but your guests would probably appreciate the absence of Fido's 6-inch hair on their clothes. :doghappy: )
-Organize all shot records and vet bills
-Check all of Fido's toys and throw away the ones he's destroyed
Feel free to post any other ideas you have. =) I'm sure those of you in the more northern places are used to bad weather days, so you guys probably know what to do inside while it's rainy. Down here it's not usually this cold. :doghappy: