New Member
Hello! My name is Stacey, and I just stumbled across this site while surfing for info. on border collies (again)! I became the owner of a beautiful 10 week-old tri-colored male BC last Mother's Day, 2007. Well, he, Summit, is the LOVE of our lives. He's a little over a year-old now and boy have we had a ride with him:-) As previous owners of a Siberian Husky, we really didn't realize how incredibly smart and affectionate our BC would be in comparison. He's learned a lot and has become quite the frisbee lover. I'm also a SAHM with boys who are 2 and 6. Yes, it's been challenging, to say the least. I'm here to gain insight to how to live in harmony with us all growing and learning how to live happily together, in the suburbs, to boot. I can't wait to read more!