Licks and Schmoozes from Niki


New Member
Hi Jean, (Onyx and Chase),
Thanks for your website, it's very helpful!! I adopted my "little girl" Nikia, in April of this year. She's a 7 yr old Am Eskimo/Yellow Lab and I couldn't have asked for a better dog!! She is extremely well behaved and smart (proud mummie!), and she learns tricks quite easily. The only thing I have a bit of a problem with is she LOVES other animals, but sometimes they don't like her because she is curious and wants to play! She has been sprayed by a skunk 4 times this summer!! (phewww) Another thing is she is very protective, and ends up barking like crazy at anyone who walks by my home or invades our space. However, she calms right down if she realizes that it is someone that I know or is safe to be here! So, I look forward to watching your site to see if there are any tips on how I can control her in these situations. Keep up the good work!!
ps...licks and schmoozes from Niki

Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi Niki! :welcome: to the website!

I'm glad that this website is a positive influence on your dog training, there are a few threads in the forum regarding excessive barking, try doing a search and see what you find.

You are welcome to start a new thread in the Behavioral Problems forum, and explain in more details what excessive barking is to you, how it is triggered and what you are currently doing to stop it. I'm sure someone will help you! :dogsmile:

Enjoy the website!:msnsmile: