Kala And I

Hello guys,
Kala, my Border collie is 11 weeks old and we train everyday so we can do a lot of tricks together and have fun doing it. So ill keep you guys in touch with some videos of what she can do along with her growing up.
Thank you for sharing all your tricks, its really inspiring and I cant wait to be this good with her !!
MPEE and Kala



Active Member
Welcome, what a cute pup. Enjoy the site, I hope you find it as supportive and fun as I do.
Thanks Guysss :) You two have beautiful dogs two !! My girl is 11weeks pld and today, she learned very quickly to shake paw, and she can also sit, lay down and get up on 2 paws! Im having a LOT of fun watching all the videos on the site ! Thanks to everybody for sharing, ill post one too, very soon !