Just joined



Hi I'm Grace. I just found this website while looking for ideas for kennel training my dogs. I have four. Opie an eight yr old Dachshund, Blueberry a 4 yr old chihuahua and two mini, black and tan dachshunds both one yr old. I hope to kennel train them and write a paper about it for my learning psychology class. Does anyone have tips or ideas on this subject?


Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi Grace! Do you mean crate training? If yes, there are numerous threads on the forums on this subject. I'm sure you can find what you are looking for by using the search box in the upper right corner of the website.

If you have more questions, we'd be glad to help!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Academy Grace. Check out the classroom for some great tips on training your pups and good luck with your paper. Post any questions we can help with in the discussion forum and of course include some pictures of progress. We ALL love pics! LOL