Honored Member
Since me and my family got Piper back in July we have been working on her jumping issue. She jumps on Everyone except for me. When I say jumping I mean all four of her feet off the ground, she's like a Kangaroo. With her size she hurts people because her nails hurt and cause cuts. I'm also scared of her her my nephews or niece ages 2-10. She is just so excited about the person and it doesn't have to be someone coming to the house, it's any person she see's. The only time she doesn't try and greet someone is when I am on a public trail walking her any other time she wants to greet them.
In the house when my parents come home or a guest comes over I grab her leash to get her away from the person and get a toy to play. I have to get her attention back to me several times because she will go back to the person trying to jump on them.
Another thing I do with my mom is I will block Piper from jumping on her to leave her alone.
Parents: The toy and blocking works to get her to stop, but she still jumps on them when they come home. She doesn't seem to be connecting that we don't want her jumping...
Guest: Nothing seems to work with guest. Holding her leash to keep her away from them. Playing with her. Putting her in her crate for a little bit. She stays Crazy the whole time the person is over. I find myself not being able to enjoy having guest over, it's just stressful for me.
There are only four people she has improved with. My best friend who works with her on the jumping. My other best friend who takes the time to let me get Piper to sit before she pets her. And my sister who ignores her until she calms down than she'll get her to sit to pet her. And my cousin who works with her on jumping. He will ignore her, or hold her collar and walk her around, or play with her.
What do I do about people who don't care to work with her, with people who want her to just leave her alone. Or people at the park who she pulls toward and whines wanting to be pet by them? She just has so much energy and loves people so much it's like her brain shuts off.
Please help
In the house when my parents come home or a guest comes over I grab her leash to get her away from the person and get a toy to play. I have to get her attention back to me several times because she will go back to the person trying to jump on them.
Another thing I do with my mom is I will block Piper from jumping on her to leave her alone.
Parents: The toy and blocking works to get her to stop, but she still jumps on them when they come home. She doesn't seem to be connecting that we don't want her jumping...
Guest: Nothing seems to work with guest. Holding her leash to keep her away from them. Playing with her. Putting her in her crate for a little bit. She stays Crazy the whole time the person is over. I find myself not being able to enjoy having guest over, it's just stressful for me.
There are only four people she has improved with. My best friend who works with her on the jumping. My other best friend who takes the time to let me get Piper to sit before she pets her. And my sister who ignores her until she calms down than she'll get her to sit to pet her. And my cousin who works with her on jumping. He will ignore her, or hold her collar and walk her around, or play with her.
What do I do about people who don't care to work with her, with people who want her to just leave her alone. Or people at the park who she pulls toward and whines wanting to be pet by them? She just has so much energy and loves people so much it's like her brain shuts off.
Please help