Oh!! That's a Do More With Your Dog trick!!! I have Kyra Sundance's book, there's a page on how to teach it. I took a couple of pictures, hope this helps.
Ok start by having your dog go through the hoop while you hold it then gradually start to tilt hoop towards your dog so they have to go under hoop when you get it to near the floor I tipped the hoop slightly with my foot an inch off the ground and encourage my dog to pick hoop up and then lure them through, my dog tries to flip it up with her nose and sometimes lifts it with her mouth cool trick GOOD LUCK XxX
Thanks!!! I have tried something like this, but she insists on jumping above the hoop...Doesn't sound like an easy one, I feel like we will have some great challenge
That's a great trick!!
Tâmara Vaz, let us know how it went. Hope this works for you.
Dogster, thank you for the information. Can you tell abit more about the book. For example what are the tricks you found usefull?
I read most of the book, I usually just look up the trick I want to teach. I liked the way the shopping cart trick is taught, and get me a beer, for example. I don't like the way she teaches limp, or the weave poles though. The visuals help a lot too (pictures) The book has many great tips, so I recommend it!!