I need help


Well-Known Member

I'm a german author of dog trick books (one released march last year, one is due in autum), and my first book is now translated to english and will be released in english in october.

Unfortunatly the translater was not a dog trainer, so I think some of the commands are named the wrong way.
I would appreciate your help in finding the right words.

When a dog touches or pushs something with his nose, for example he uses his nose to close a drawer, or uses the nose to turn on the light, how do you call the "use of the nose"?




New Member
I use "touch" for the dog to touch my hand with their nose, and "target" for touching something else with their nose.

EDIT: Do you have anymore? :D This is a fun game!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your answers... so there is no special word for it? For example: if I want one of my dogs to touch something with their paws, I say "touch", if I want them to touch or push something with their nose, I say "stups" (which is the german word for which I'm searching the english word)...

The translator recommended "nudge"?!

EDIT: Leema, I have a huge amount of silly questions ;) Do you know the exact word for the posture when a dog wants to play with another? (sounds weird... I will post a picture as soon as I got my 10 posts full ;))


Experienced Member
The dog is doing a play bow - so the command would be 'bow' or in my case 'take a bow' - just sounds a bit more dramatic



Well-Known Member
I train service dogs, so I have a few commands for very slightly different movements.

'Touch' - nose touches an object, usually away from me so the dog has to walk to get there. This is a target.

'Nudge' - to push up with their nose (like a light switch/lever, or bumping my hand).
('Switch' - bite the switch down with their front teeth).

'Alert' - to push a button with their nose (elevator, automatic door). I have switched over to this command for bumping my hand, and teach the dog to 'alert' when they need to tell me something - when I feel a nose bump my hand I ask them 'What?' and they lead me to the door, their empty water bowl, get a toy... they tell me about something they feel is worthwhile :)

'Visit' - to rest their chin on an object (lap, table, bed).

Likewise, for using feet I have the following:

'Wave' - reach toward an object, but don't touch.

'Shake' - rest a paw on an object.

'Push' - usually both paws, pushing a door or button.

'Paws' - stand with front paws on an object (wheelchair foot rest etc)

'Up' - front paws on a high surface (counter, wall to reach light switch)

Congrats on the books! What are the titles, and where can I purchase a copy? :)


New Member
ella;8755 said:
I have a huge amount of silly questions ;) Do you know the exact word for the posture when a dog wants to play with another? (sounds weird... I will post a picture as soon as I got my 10 posts full ;))

jasperaliceuk got in before me. ;) Yes, a "play bow".

"Nudge" would be an appropriate translation. :) Because it is not a common behaviour for people to teach (like sit or down) then most people just make up cues as they go along.


Well-Known Member
You are so helpful, thank you very much!

The title is not final yet, but the decision will be made very soon. As soon as I know, I will tell you.

@yoyopoodle, you are training service dogs, how interesting. I sometimes have some in my lessons, too. Unfortunatly in germany the "quality" of the dogs highly depends on the trainer and nearly everybody is allowed to train a service dog. Are there standardized rules in the US?
We really would need a standard over here. Dogs for the blind are much better trained over here, I guess that is because the Health insurance pays for them, and they certainly check, that the dogs are "worth" the huge amount.


Well-Known Member
ella;8787 said:
Unfortunatly in germany the "quality" of the dogs highly depends on the trainer and nearly everybody is allowed to train a service dog. Are there standardized rules in the US?
It's kind of the same here - there are dogs at many different levels of training/behavior. Some of the best dogs are trained by the person who needs the assistance, and some of the toughest dogs have been placed by our 'best' organizations (and vice versa)... a lot also depends on how well the dog and human are matched by personality.

There are no standard requirements nation wide, though there are some good ones available for organizations to get certain recognition. The Americans with Disability Act allows anyone with a disability that a dog can help alleviate to have public access with their dog - BUT, if the dog behaves inappropriately (any aggression, pestering other people, barking etc) they can be asked to leave... by taking an assistance dog in public, the handler is assuming all responsibility and control, and the dog must not affect the safety of the public and the 'atmosphere'.

There is a separate forum here specifically for assistance dog related topics, so you may get more responses from other people if you want to repost your question there :dogsmile:


Well-Known Member
It is nearly finished.... but a friend of mine had a really good plea.... the german lightswitch is surely different from the english or american. In germany you have a -lets say- 5cm x 5cm surface which the dog can push to switch on the light, what are the lightswitches like in USA and in UK? Can somebody describe or better show a picture?

thank you in advance


New Member
This is what light switches in Australia look like:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your pictures ;)
hmmm, the canadians lightswitch looks similar to the american?!
How do your dogs switch the lights on? With their teeth? Or with the paw?


Well-Known Member
My switches are like the picture homer showed from Canada... I teach dogs to flick it on with their nose, and to bite it down using their front teeth.

The flick is taught by putting a pen cap or 2-3" of tubing on the switch to make it bigger and take less effort.
Most dogs will open their mouth/bite in frustration when you ignore their attempts, so that is one way of teaching them to turn it off :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all for being so helpfull. It is done now, I hope we did a good job.

The book ist "Trick School for dogs", it is already listed in amazon etc. It will be published on october 1st.

Thank you all
