would she mined siting on a damp towel, what you do is soak a towel and stick it in your deep freeze till stiff and then get it put and place it where she goes to rest,
they do love sitting on it as its soo cool,
also my nans pug pugzi, hates water but she doesnt fight too badly when you try to wash her now, but in the summer months we bought a little kiddies pool for them and she hated going in it (4-5 times a day in our summer months), we would plonk her in and soak her, she hated it but she loved being cool and could breath
(her brachiel face, pug face she would get distressed and find it hard to breath)
so even though she hated it at first she knows to put up with it as she feels better in the long run, if you can stand feeling cruel when you see the look on your dogs face it is def the best way to get them cool fast, pugz can sulk for ages when you get her wet