Hiya, another newbie!


New Member

I'm Izzie, I have 2 English springer spaniel girlies, Trixie (5) and Jesta (nearly 2)

I am studying canine behaviour and training and love doing clicker training, I stumbled upon this website whilst looking for new stuff to teach the girls.

So I am going to have a nose round and I look forward to chatting to you all! :msngrin:

Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi! glad you found the website!!! :D make sure you take a look at our monthly challenges!!! hehehe


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, it not to late to get involved in one of our monthly challenges or the dog trick of the month. Come on in and have some fun.


New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome! :dogbiggrin::dogbiggrin:

I recognise that cocker spaniel!!! :dogph34r:


New Member
Hi izzie,
Welcome, it's a great place to be. There's alot of training ideas and so much support and help.