Hey Jean the ELF.. Wanna have a snowball fight???


Experienced Member
This was way too much fun!!!!! Boy what a guy will do when stuck at home watching the floods go bye!!
If you haven't heard by now, One of the most busiest Highways has been shut down Interstate I-5. YUP! I would have to travel an additional 500 miles to make it up to Canada!

Jean Cote

Staff member
LOL Not sure exactly where you are from, but I'm just above Buffalo, so that's about 2500 miles from Los Angeles. :dogsmile:

Are you sure you can throw that far????? hehehehhe


Well-Known Member
BO, are you from the NW? I hear they are getting nailed by storms, alot of rain and hi winds. I hope everything is good by you. sounds like you already have had your share of bad luck this year!


Experienced Member
BO, are you from the NW? I hear they are getting nailed by storms, alot of rain and hi winds.
Yep just a little south of the major flooding.

Well the rains have stopped and the outlook is good!! At first the state was hoping to have the 20 miles of I-5 reopened by Friday now they have changed it to the weekend!!
Here a little south we were lucky that the rain slowed a little as our Lewis river is almost over the bridge. We (thank-GOD) are a little high in elevation and were missed, unlike some good friends that live a little closer and are now wishing they were not so close.
Megan and her new friend walked down to the bridge and she said she could almost reach down and touch the water from the bridge.
Tomorrow they are calling for showers followed by two days of SUN!!!!!!!!!!
We haven't seen much of that thing in a month now!! It will be a site for sore eyes to view it for a full day. My little house is now 7 adults, 8 dogs,2 cat's(now Megan wants a kitty), and 8 ( I mean 5 kids and 3 hellions!! After spending a couple days with my lil Bro I have a clear understanding of Grandma's saying "Family is a lot like Socks", Nice and comfy at first but get real stinky after a few days :)
This is the Lewis River less than 1/8th mile from my front door. Luckily down hill from here. The tree's in the pic are usually about 10 feet above the river.

And here is the corner right before Doug's house! My NW AirDogs Cherokee is under the carport on the left side.


Jean Cote

Staff member
WOW That sucks!!! Sorry to hear about your friends houses, man that flood looks nasty. Imagine having that kind of mud/water in your basement.. URG..