Hey guys, the monthly nomination has begun!

luna may

New Member
We have a saying in Hebrew, which says "Mi shematsbia mashpia"- 'Whoever votes has the influence'.
Just though it would be nice to add it in. :doghappy:


New Member
I have made my nominations and my votes :dogsmile: It's very difficult though, there are so many nice people here.


New Member
Err.... as far as I know, it is still only in testing phase and not final yet. I'd check with Jean before going ahead with it, since there are test nominations and test votes there at the moment.

Sorry to put a brake on your enthusiasm!

Jean Cote

Staff member
Wow hold on guys! :) I'm still in the process of developing it and making sure everything is right.

I'll let everyone know when it's fully operational! :)

Thanks! But I'm really glad you guys like it tho!!!

P.S. I didn't think anyone would notice the little Nominate button. lol :)


Experienced Member
I didn't really understand the rules...
I can only nominate oneperson, and can only vote on one person, right?
And I can't nominate or vote myself. Right?
Or can I nominate more people, but only on different awards?

Jean Cote

Staff member
The rules are:

Only 10 nominees will be accepted per award.

You may vote for the member that you nominated.
You may nominate a member for multiple awards.
You may nominate more than one member per award.

You may NOT vote or nominate yourself.
You may NOT vote more than ONCE per award.

If there is a tie, two awards will be given.
Polls are resetted at the beginning of every month.
Think about it this way. All awards are considerd different polling stations. On all stations you can:

Nominate as many people as you want. But only 10 people can get nominated each month for each award. So nominate only the people who deserve it!

And you can only vote one time per month for each award.

You are right - you can't nominate or vote for yourself. So if you want to win someone else is going to have to nominate you and vote for you! :dogsmile:

P.S. I should make the rules simplier. If anybody thinks of making them easier to understand let me know! :)

luna may

New Member
Oh gosh! It wasn't finished? I didn't think of that... *slaps self* :slap:. Boy I'm stupid! :dogwacko:
When I found the nomination page I got realy fired up with it, and since I nominated the best picture (in my opinion) and it worked, so I assumed it was OK. I'm realy stupid! :dogdry:
Jean, everyone- I'm sorry I was so irresponsible. :cry:


Experienced Member
You mean all of those "Most Philanthropic and Humanitarian Member of the Month" nominations I received over night will no longer count!? :)

Jean Cote

Staff member
LOL. Actually it should be okay now luna_may. I worked a lot on it yesterday and I did a lot of modifications. If you find any bugs in it please let me know! I'll make an official announcement of the new nomination system soon. :)