dogs can run around and act pretty excited, sounds like a "normal" dog to me so far!!
Why does your dog stay in a cage?
which tricks would you like to teach, whatever trick you want to teach, probably someone here knows how to help you! AND GOOD ON YOU FOR TEACHING YOUR DOG TRICKS!! Hang in there, tricks training gets easier, both for you, and for the dog, in pretty short period of time.
Mostly, with tricks, you just reward the correct moves (or attempts in the correct direction)
and simply silently ignore wrong moves.
For rewards, most of us use tiny treats (not big ones, or your dog might get full or fat)
but some ppl use toy play, or tennis balls, etc. for the rewards.
Keep beginner lessons kind of short, for beginner dogs, like 5 minutes to 10 minutes is plenty long for beginner dogs. You always want to stop the lesson before your dog zones out.
Overtime, your dog can develop a longer att'n span. All dogs are unique in their own ways.
Later that same day, you can repeat the quickie lesson again, if you want to, but, a bunch of short lessons is better for some dogs,
than one big long lesson.
IT'S FUN, too!
I bet, i bet, that soon enough, you will be blown away by how good you are tricks training,
and blown away by how good your dog is at doing tricks!! BET IS