Hello, I'm new!


New Member
Hello all,

I've just found this site and it looks great! My name is Clare, from the UK, and I have a 17 month old lurcher cross alsation called Harry. He is a wonderful dog and has lots of energy.

Harry can do many tricks like sit, stay, paw, crawl etc but would like him to learn many more. He's a keen learner especially if there is a tasty treat involved.

If anyone has any good dog games then please let me know. I always like to find new ways to keep him busy and happy.


Jean Cote

Staff member
:welcome: to the Academy Clare!!!

Does your dog know how to fetch? I think this is the best dog game! :) Hide and seek is cool too, hehehe.


New Member
Hi Jean
Yes, we play fetch as well as hide and seek. I also lik to hide treats around the house so he has to use his smell to find them. Great fun!


Jean Cote

Staff member
I used to do that with Chase a lot, it was great. I had soaked an old plush toy in garlic water and let it dried. Then I could hide it anywhere and she would immediately find it because of the smell. :) Great stuff!!!


New Member
What a great idea.

This website is fantastic - really nice looking with plenty of info and games! I'm looking forward to teaching Harry some more tricks!