Hello from Linda and 3 Basset Hounds


New Member
My name is Linda and I have 3 Basset Hounds. They are 5, 4, 23 months old. They are such a joy to have around since I am by myself now. My son is away at trade school and misses them very much.
I can honestly say that of the different breeds of dogs that I have had in the past this breed is the most loving, giving, stubborn breed that I have ever owned. My 5 year old female when I adopted her was found wandering the county side and was 2 at the time and weighed only 24 1/2 pounds when I brought her home. She was very wary of people. After we had her for about 3 months my son had been sexually molested by his father. Tango willing came up to my son and put her two paws on his leg and nuzzled him. It was the loving that he needed and he returned the affection. She helped him to heal a little and he returned the healing process back to her. Since that time she was always by his side. I will always hold a special feeling for her.


Experienced Member
Welcome aboard, Linda.

I moved your post for you, as I think you posted it in the wrong area by mistake.


Well-Known Member
Hello Linda,
welcome in this wonderful community. I have read carefully your introduction and I can truly say Tango's story with your son really moved me. I have felt that situation much because many years ago my sister suffered the same situation from our father. Unfortunately we hadn't a dog and we couldn't prove how wonderful their presence is. Anyway, welcome Linda and thanks for sharing your experience.