Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I registered a long time ago and then I forgot about this site. I found it again and decided to really join in on all the fun. I love trick training with my dog and there is nothing more I would love then getting advice and seeing everyone elses ideas and dogs. Cody is my, almost, three year old Labrador Cross. He is a shelter dog and my best friend, we both worked many issues since the beggining and because of him I am a happier person with life. I am not sure where I would be if he had not wiggled into my life. Cody already knows a few tricks, anything that deals with his Soccer Ball is his favorite. But he really also loves bowing, it was the first real trick we learned when we first were introduced to the clicker. He just loves bowing and every time does it with such a look of joy and pride. I also own a toothless three year old Domestic Shorthair Cat named Yoru, a Black Mexican Kingsnake named Lucifer and a Black hooded rat named Dusk. I live with two other animals, my sisters Domestic Shorthair tortishell Kitty and my mothers 11 year old Siberian Husky/Dalmatian Cross named Lola.