Happy SPRING to all of you!!! Hopefully, it is nice and sunny where you are. We are getting hit with another Wisconsin Snowstorm-Yuck. :dogangry: It has been falling at about an inch an hour. We have approx. 7 inches now. They say it's going to snow until 10pm and it's only 2pm. Although I may be sick of it, my dogs just LOVE it. They have been out playing off and on outside all morning. Now they are sound asleep. Masey should be snoring at any moment. I never had a dog that snores like she does after a long day of fun. I'm still trying to work on "Are you Shy" with Masey. She doesn't seem to be catching on all too fast. If the tape is on, she does it. If I try without the tape, she sits there staring at me. Camden has mastered "Pray". I wish she would tolerate the tape, because she would learn "Are you Shy", I'm sure. The minute she sees the tape coming her way, she runs as fast as she can around the table. It's so interesting to see how different two dogs can be when it comes to learning certain tricks, etc. Well, better get back outside and shovel. I'm sure there will be another couple inches out there. I'll be back a little later!!!