Game: Dog Picture Scrambler

Jean Cote

Staff member
Introducing a new game to the Academy!!!!!

The Dog Picture Scrambler !!!!!

Whoever wins with the least amount of moves will receive a honorary Medal of Wisdom!!!!

That is ...... if you can do it. :dogsmile:

Tip: The LOWER RIGHT corner will be empty when you are done. :dogsmile:​


Well-Known Member
Hello Jean,
I have problems in playing Dog Picture Scrambler....nothing appears when clicking for watching the video.

Jean Cote

Staff member
You beat me!!!! :( I was hoping it would be harder hehe ... I just hope nobody cheats :dogsmile:


New Member
I tried to beat myself - got to 230 and decided it was pointless. I think my brain is fried and I will be seeing moving blocks of dogs in my sleep.


Well-Known Member
I am able to watch the video and the game shot but...I'm not able to play the game...too much time required to my poor skills! :-)


New Member
Aarrgghh.... I hate you Jean! I've wasted way too much time today on this puzzle!

(Just kidding... I don't really hate you, but it is seriously annoying! :dogtongue: )

Jean Cote

Staff member
bipa;5982 said:
Aarrgghh.... I hate you Jean! I've wasted way too much time today on this puzzle!

(Just kidding... I don't really hate you, but it is seriously annoying! :dogtongue: )
HAHAHA ... so far you are the winner with 256!!!! :dogsmile:


New Member
I got 1092...that was fun, once my eyes stopped spinning. My hat's off to you guys that got it in the 200's.


New Member
That them's fightin' words! But I'm too tired to start doing the puzzle again as it is past midnight here.... so instead I've beaten your score the easy way :doglaugh:

There... that wasn't so tough... just a little photo edit...err... hard work and logic, I mean :msngiggle:

Oh.... ok.... I'll try again tomorrow the legal way ... promise! :dogsmile:

Note: this post NOT to be taken seriously!


Experienced Member
Got to 380 , and decided to quit .
Wasen't worth risking any more brain cells . LOL

Now you can see why I bought smart dogs, to compensate what I was lacking .hehehe
Cool game though.

Jean Cote

Staff member
bipa;6026 said:
That them's fightin' words! But I'm too tired to start doing the puzzle again as it is past midnight here.... so instead I've beaten your score the easy way :doglaugh:

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! :dogsmile: That was a good one!

P.S. My score doesn't count so you all have to beat Bipa's score of 256 !!!!!

Jean Cote

Staff member
Yup. Here is a screenshot: (I tried to do it again but I can't... lol must of been a fluke!!) And no I didn't photoshop the image. :)

My score doesn't apply to whoever wins the Medal of Wisdom. So you are still winning with 256!!! :D I will wait a few days to see if anyone can beat it. :dogsmile: