When I first got my pup she was in a large litter, she inhaled the food very fast. I didn't really read anything for it, I just went ahead and would try and get her attention away from it so she knew it would still be there when she turned around to eat again.. Eventually she was fine. NOW she doesn't eat, or rarely eats.. I hate to leave food out, but have started to because I feel she isn't getting enough. However, I am going to start taking the food away if she doesn't eat. I will probably give her 30 seconds of my back turned, if she doesn't make a pass, it's up until next meal.
In your situation I would try perfecting the eating so that the dog eats everything in one sitting, once you get that down I would give him/her a wait command and then say "ok" or whatever command you want. Then once that is perfected I would put the bowl out while I was getting my food, and then give a wait command... Then an "ok" once I was sitting down.