I have, but now I"m not sure if I remember how I taught it. I think I taught Lance to pivot in heel first (with their front feet on a book at first and then fading the book) and then slowly started moving sideways, a half inch at first. Lance isn't very good at it for more than 3 steps yet. With Vito, I'm just starting to work on this and am rewarding him for the tiniest shuffle to me. I've also done a little bit of having the dogs wait, while I take one step forward and a couple inches to the right so it's easier than just a straight sideways step.
At a Sue Ailsby seminar, she said that she tells her dog to swing (or the command for finish left) as she moves a tiny bit to the right. But she teaches the swing as more of the pivot to find heel rather than the do a counter clockwise circle to heel I've seen some dogs do.
Good luck! It's a lot of hind end awareness!